Are AI Generated Subject Lines Effective?

adminEmail Marketing

Can Using AI Generated Subject Lines Increase Lift? Prior to the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI), creating multiple email subject lines took a lot of time and resources. But these days, AI content generation tools like ChatGBT, Jasper, Anyword, and others can create not just one or two, but many subject lines in as little as seconds. This can provide … Read More

Using Emojis in Email

adminEmail Marketing

Emojis are just about everywhere. You will find them in text message, social media posts, and even in email subject lines. The use of emojis has been increasing by 775% annually according to Jess Nelson of Email Marketing Daily. But as ubiquitous as emojis have become, is their use still an effective strategy for email marketers in 2023? Are emojis … Read More

How to Use Weather to Personalize Email

adminEmail Marketing

When it comes to personalization, most email marketers are focused on tactics such as using recipient name in the address or subject line, tailoring content based on past behavior or preferences, and targeting based on demographics or location.  Those are all great approaches. But have you given any thought to the weather? Using weather to personalize email can provide several … Read More

5 Tips for Making Valentine’s Day Email Effective

adminEmail Marketing

Mention Valentine’s Day and the first thing most people think of is love. But if you’re an email marketer, you think of opportunity. And no wonder. Valentine’s Day spending in the United States is expected to reach $26 billion in 2023. That’s an increase of nearly $2 billion from 2022. With consumers ready to spend so much, there is no … Read More

7 Steps for Creating a B2C Email Strategy

adminEmail Marketing

As the year draws to an end, it is time to finalize your marketing plan for 2023. With brands and consumers tightening their belts given the current environment of economic uncertainty, email – arguably the most efficient marketing channel – should play a central role. Fortunately, developing a B2C (business-to-consumer) email marketing strategy doesn’t have to be hard. Here are … Read More

3 Tips for Last Minute Holiday Emails

adminEmail Marketing

As last-minute holiday shopping reaches its peak, it gets harder for your emails to grab the attention of customers. With Christmas just days away, panic takes hold of shoppers and it becomes difficult for them to focus on every offer that reaches their inbox. That means it is time to up your email marketing game. One of the best ways … Read More

How to Leverage December’s Three Big Sales Dates

adminEmail Marketing

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us, it is time to look forward to three important marketing dates in December: Green Monday, National Free Shipping Day, and Super Saturday. Let’s take a look at each of these dates, what makes them important, and some tips for taking using them to maximize your holiday email results. Green Monday – December … Read More

Email Tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

adminEmail Marketing

Black Friday and Cyber Monday represent the biggest opportunities for businesses to reach their annual sales goals. Black Friday has been around longer and is arguably more widely known, but since its debut Cyber Monday has outperformed it. For example, Black Friday racked up $8.9 billion in sales in 2021, while Cyber Monday accounted for $10.7 billion. But regardless of … Read More

Why Halloween is Important to Your Overall Holiday Success

adminEmail Marketing

Apart from sellers of costumes, decorations, and treats, Halloween is sometimes overlooked by marketers who are focused on the bigger sales events that follow such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. But even if your business doesn’t involve trick or treating, failing to take advantage of Halloween could be a mistake. That’s because Halloween generates high levels of engagement … Read More

iOS 15 Means Time’s Up for Countdown Timers

adminEmail Marketing

In the build-up to the release of Apple’s iOS 15, much was made of its new privacy features and the impact they might have on the ability of marketers to track email opens. Now that the update has been released, it has become apparent that open rate tracking wasn’t the only thing affected. In addition to basic privacy features, some … Read More