How to Make TikTok Part of Your Digital Marketing Program

adminSocial Media Marketing

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve no doubt heard of TikTok. Even if you have been wary of the platform based on sensational headlines purporting it is some sort of Chinese weapon, odds are you’ve encountered TikTok in some form while browsing the Internet. Since its debut in 2016, TikTok has exploded in popularity. Available in more than … Read More

How to Tame Trolls on Your Brand’s Social Media

adminSocial Media Marketing

Have your social media posts attracted Trolls? Odds are they have at one time or another. If you’ve ever endured the insults, nastiness, or rudeness of someone who left a comment on one of your social media posts, you know what we’re talking about. The typical Troll looks for ways to cast shade on others to make themselves feel better. … Read More