

We develop a wide range of products including e-commerce websites, custom apps, and branded social media pages.

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With expanded access via computers and mobile devices, today’s consumers look to the web first to find products and services via search engines. But their interaction with your brand doesn’t stop at your website. Consumers also rely on social media where they can get the opinions of friends on which to base purchasing decisions. They also check app stores to find products or services that meet immediate needs. That means whether you’re a global brand or a small business, having an effective web, app, and social media presence is essential.

From basic marketing sites to enterprise e-commerce sites, WebFactorE can assist you in determining your best approach to the web. We have a wealth of experience designing and developing websites that work. We collaborate with enterprise clients to develop business and technical requirements, create information architecture, design user interfaces and user experience, then manage development and deployment of large-scale websites. We also work with small businesses to provide end-to-end design and development of cost-effective websites that enable them to compete with the competitor next door or across the border.

We’re adept at working with a wide range of content management systems including enterprise solutions and open source solutions such as WordPress, WebFlow, and  like Joomla. We can modify pre-built themes to save time and money or create custom themes using builders such as Elementor, Divi, or X. We’re experienced with e-commerce platforms such as Magneto, osCommerce, VirtueMart, and WooCommerce. We help clients determine the platform that is right for them then build on it to deliver websites that meet and exceed their requirements.

We have a wealth of experience designing and developing mobile apps (iOS and Android) for industries including finance, solar, entertainment, and travel.

Our web and app projects have featured integrations with CRM solutions, online reservation and booking systems for travel and entertainment, as well as learning management (LMS) systems for use in education or corporate training. We also work with a variety of financial applications such as loan origination systems (LOS), credit services, and rate providers.

We typically provide our own development resources but have also built domestic development teams for clients ranging from five to dozens of resources. Since code is a universal language, we have managed off-shore teams in locations such as Belarus, India, Ireland, and Romania.

In addition to design and development, we also offer full-service website management. We manage marketing content to keep it fresh for both visitors and search spiders. We merchandise products to take advantage of hot trends or inventory considerations. We also monitor traffic and visitor activity to understand consumer behavior and optimize content to maximize ROI.

WebFactorE also creates custom social media pages designed to work hand-in-hand with corporate websites. Our work doesn’t stop at simply setting up and branding your social media page. We offer complete social media management programs that include daily posts in support your multi-channel marketing campaign, interactive contests and polls to engage, and images and video to go viral. Everything we create is designed to support your overall brand message and promote sharing to extend your reach.